School Uniforms
Greenleaf Friends Academy embraces school uniforms as a community standard for three primary reasons. First, when students dress to a high standard, they are more likely to think and act to a high standard; this is the simple acknowledgement that environment – including the way a person is dressed and presents himself – effects the mind, will, and emotions of a person. Second, uniforms reinforce the idea that students are part of a larger community, in the case of GFA an explicitly Christian community. And third, uniforms encourage students to find their unique identity in the cultivation of their character and their mind rather than in their wardrobe or their appearance.
When constructing the uniform requirements, the GFA Uniform Committee made it priority to both attain the above goals as well as respect the unique culture of GFA. Here are the basics of the GFA uniform standard:
Standard Uniform (Monday through Thursday)
- GFA embroidered polo shirt (long or short sleeved)
- Blue jeans
- White or black tennis shoes, or brown or black cowboy-style boots
- Black or brown leather belt
- Optional outerwear options: black Sport-tec zip up jacket, GFA embroidered v-neck sweater, or GFA embroidered crew neck sweatshirt
Formal Uniform (Fridays and special community days)
- GFA embroidered white oxford shirt (long or short sleeved) with tie (clip-on for Grammar students; self-tie for Upper School students)
- Black or gray flat front dress pants (boys); plaid skirt or black dress pants (girls)
- Black or brown leather belt
- White or black tennis shoes, or brown or black cowboy-style boots
- Optional outerwear options: GFA embroidered sweater (cardigan for Grammar students; v-neck for Upper School students)