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Mission, Faith and Core Values

Mission Statement

Inspiring our students to think clearly, act responsibly, and serve passionately

Purpose / Vision Statement

To inspire and empower students to discover their identity and purpose in Christ and His creation in order to effect change in the world now and for eternity.


  • We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God. They are the divinely authorized record of the doctrines that we as Christians are bound to accept any of the moral principles that are to regulate our lives and actions.
  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ – in His Virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe that for the salvation of the lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
  • We reverently believe that there is one Lord, one faith, so there is one baptism, whereby all believers are baptized in the one Spirit into the one body.

Core Values

Christ-centered environment:

  • Jesus Christ is recognized as the ultimate teacher and role model for all faculty and students. We also recognize that our strength lies in a relationship with Him.
  • His ways are modeled and taught in dealing with daily relationships, conflicts, and reconciliations.
  • Students are encouraged and disciplined to develop a personal relationship with Christ through meditating upon His word, prayer, and worship.
  • GFA strives to honor Christ with words and actions in all endeavors and activities, whether academic or extra-curricular.

Biblical worldview:

The Bible is the basis for GFA’s curriculum objectives because it points us toward honoring Christ. All areas of study at every grade level are based on the following principles:

  • Mankind’s origin is found in the work of God, who created man in His own image to live in fellowship with Him, even though man chose to walk away from God’s plan.
  • Our identity is that of a lost race, redeemed only by Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the cross.
  • Our purpose is to glorify God by proclaiming His truth in word and deed.
  • Our destiny is eternal fellowship with the Lord.

Quality education:

  • Teachers are professionally qualified and spiritually surrendered to be Godly role models.
  • The college preparatory curriculum is academically challenging and provides opportunities for students to think analytically and critically, as well as to communicate truth respectfully and effectively.
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to practically apply knowledge and skills that will assist them as they transition into college and career paths.
  • Teachers respect individuals and their learning styles.

Parental involvement:

  • Parents have the Biblical authority and responsibility for the academic and spiritual growth of their children. GFA gratefully values the opportunity to partner with families to educate and disciple students.
  • Teachers and parents maintain open lines of communication in order to foster respectful relationships.
  • Parents model the mission statement and “serve passionately” alongside their children through volunteer work and service days.

Positive Environment:

  • Faculty respects and values all people as unique creations of God.
  • GFA provides a school environment that is orderly, respectful, and safe.
  • Teachers guide students in practicing the fruits of the spirit, whether students encounter successes or challenges in their lives.
  • Teachers commit to graciously walk alongside students as they face the consequences of their actions, always focusing on the goals of reconciliation and discipleship.

Passionate service:

  • GFA staff models the joy of service by demonstrating a servant-leader attitude.
  • Students learn to respect their school community and facility by participating in age-appropriate clean-up and maintenance.
  • Students discover and develop their God-given talents, gifts, and callings through a variety of service and outreach projects.
  • Students discover joy in serving through their relationship with Christ as they allow Him to guide and empower them.

Desired Outcomes

At GFA, we desire that our students will…

  • Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and allow Him to transform their hearts and minds.
  • Recognize that He has gifted them with grace and abilities to serve others.
  • Love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength out of gratitude for His provision.
  • Embrace His word as the source for truth.
  • Effectively communicate His truth and share the Gospel in word and deed in a culture that is opposed to the light.
  • Strive to live in integrity, equality, simplicity, peace, and justice.
  • Walk in life-long purpose, well-equipped to thrive spiritually, academically, and socially wherever God may lead them.