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Fundraising at GFA

Greenleaf Friends Academy is a private, non-profit classical Christian school for Christian families. We do not accept federal funding due to the government control and interference that inevitably comes with those funds. As such, we rely on the support people just like you to advance our mission to provide an excellent classical Christian education to families on the west side of the Treasure Valley.

March 14th & 15th, 2025 is our big weekend for the 74th Annual Quaker Village Auction (QVA).  Planning for the QVA has already began and excitement is growing.  This is our biggest community event of the year, filled with activities for everyone in the family.

Activities include: Food booths, Kids Carnival, Friday night entertainment by the elementary students, Friday night KidVid, awards,  the class basket contest and sale, the Senior Class quilt to be auctioned off PLUS so much more!  Not to mention the big event, the  LIVE AUCTION which starts on Friday night, March 14th at 7pm and picks back up on Saturday, March  15th at 10am. 

Saturday morning, March 15th  at 7:30am, our hot and yummy pancake breakfast will be ready for our auction guests.  You also don’t want to miss out on those famous homemade maple bars!  The auction wouldn’t happen without the generous donations of quality goods, and services.  Please contact Bev Chapman, Advancement Director at or 208-459-6346, or Co-Director Jenn Bryan  at  Auction items must be at the school by March 7, 2025. Visit our website at  or scan the QR code.

The GFA Gala

The GFA Gala is a great opportunity for Academy supports, new and old alike, to come together for a beautiful night of dinner and fellowship. Traditionally held in the fall, the Gala serves as a special night for GFA leaders to cast vision to Academy supporters, report on the mission and progress of the school, as well as provide supporters a chance to invest in GFA and its mission through a live auction and single donations and pledges.

Photos are Courtesy of Carson Wick Marketing.