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Parental Commitment

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1) We hereby liberate Greenleaf Friends Academy to discipline our child as necessary, we further agree that we will cooperate in resolving disciplinary problems which might arise (Prov. 13:24, 19:18, 22:6, 23:13-14, 29:15, Eph. 6:1-2, Col. 3:20, Heb. 12:6).
2) We agree that if our child should become involved in any trouble with other children in the school we will refrain from complaining to other parents, but in the love of Christ and with prayer, we will register only the necessary complaints with the school.
3) We understand that assessments will be made to cover damage to school property, i.e. window breakage, abuse of books, etc.
4) We will pay all of our financial obligations to Greenleaf Friends Academy on or before the due date, according to our arrangements with the business office, and/or make satisfactory arrangements.
5) If we have a concern about a situation at Greenleaf Friends Academy, we agree to follow the biblical model in Matthew 18, by first discussing the issue with the person directly involved. If the matter is not successfully resolved, we agree to follow the administrative chain of command, and finally the school board. We understand that this principle requires us to act with love and respect for the good of the school at all times and deters us from discussing the matter with anyone who is not part of either the problem or the solution.

I understand this commitment shall be in effect during the tenure of this student at Greenleaf Friends Academy.

I have read everything above and agree to abide by these rules.*
Parent (or Guardian's) Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I have read everything above and agree to abide by these rules.
Parent (or Guardian's) Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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